Guwahati: Elderly Woman Assaulted as Onlookers Remain Silent

Guwahati: Video of the Incident Viral on Social Media, Police Arrest Accused

Guwahati, November 25: In a shocking incident that has raised questions about public apathy, an elderly woman was brutally assaulted in the middle of a busy street in Guwahati’s Kahilipara area this Saturday.

Guwahati woman addult
Guwahati: Elderly Woman Assult

The assailant, identified as Arup Sarma, was captured in a distressing video, mercilessly beating the woman amidst a crowd of silent spectators.

The video, which has since gone viral on social media, shows Sarma physically and verbally assaulting the elderly woman. Despite the broad daylight setting and the presence of numerous onlookers, no one stepped forward to intervene or assist the victim.

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The Guwahati city police acted promptly upon receiving reports of the incident, leading to the swift arrest of Arup Sarma. The police are currently investigating the motive behind the assault, which remains unclear.

The victim, whose identity has been withheld for privacy and safety reasons, is reportedly receiving medical attention.

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This incident has brought to the forefront the issue of public apathy and the bystander effect, a social psychological claim that individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim when other people are present.

The apparent indifference of the bystanders in this case has led to a public outcry, with many calling for more awareness and education on the importance of intervening in such situations.

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